Monday, March 22, 2010

Tips for Skin Cancer Prevention

Tips for Skin Cancer Prevention
1. First of all take care of your skin must from sun burn. If your skin is fair, a lot of moles or freckles then take care of your skin.
2. Check your skin regularly for any changes are occurred in skin irregulation or mole lesions.

3. Don’t spend too much time outdoors.
4. Always take rich diet to improve your immunity of health.
5. Avoid tanning salons, tanning beds.
6. Always use proper clothing, sunscreen lotions to protect your skin.

Signs of Skin Cancer

Signs of Skin Cancer
These signs of skin cancer are named in alphabetical order as ABCDE.
Here five signs of skin cancer are explained.
A is stands for asymmetry of skin.
B stands for cancerous tumors often do not have regular, easily distinguishable borders.
C stands for Color. Means skin cancer frequently multicolored in appearance, and may be black, white, brown, red, or blue.
D stands for diameter of these skin growths.
Finally E stands for to designate elevation.

Other signs of skin cancer rather than these five signs are sores or pimples that bleed or drain fluid.
People who have fair skin and are frequently exposed to the sun they have greater chance to caught skin cancer. So prevention from skin cancer is must.

Follow the tips for preventing skin cancer.

Basal cell carcinoma


Basal cell carcinoma
Basal cell carcinoma usually occurs on face, neck, V-shaped area of the chest, and upper back, which means parts of the body that are often exposed to the sun. It has a pearly gray look, with tiny blood vessels often visible inside the tumor.


Basal cell carcinomas ooze yellowish fluid, crust over with a scab, and then break down and ooze again. They usually look like a sore or pimple.
It is the most common skin cancer usually occurs in humans. Basal cell carcinoma is the slow growing skin cancer.


Malignant Melanoma

Malignant Melanoma
Malignant melanomas begins on the surface of the skin so early stage detection and treatment are possible. It usually begins on the surface, but it can grow deep into the skin and It can reach the blood and lymphatic vessels.

Appears on the area of the body between the neck and the hips called trunk or appear on legs. Legs and trunk don't get constant sun exposure. These areas get periodic intense exposure and sun burn.

Malignant melanomas are multicolored and combine different shades of brown and black, sometimes with areas of red, white or blue. They sometimes bleed. Malignant melanomas begin to grow from a normal-appearing area of the skin or form from an existing mole.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma appears most often on the face and neck, V-shaped are of the chest, and upper back. Squamous cell carcinomas look like an inflamed (pinkish or reddish). It appearing on head, neck, ears, trunk, and arms.

This is second common type of skin cancer. It is also called SSC in short. Squamous cell carcinoma looks like a red, crusted, or scaly patch on the skin, a non-healing ulcer, or a firm red nodule.
Squamous cell carcinoma is curable when detected and treated in early stages.

Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer
Skin Cancer is really very harmful and dangerous to our skin as well as health. All types of Skin cancer are curable when they are detected in early stages. It is necessary to perform skin self-examination regularly if your skin catches any skin cancer symptoms such as a sore that does not heal, a change occurred in existing skin growth or a now growth found on your skin etc.

The three main types of skin cancer are
basal cell carcinoma
squamous cell carcinoma
malignant melanoma
There are mainly five signs of Skin cancer.